Căianu '395

Date and time

24 September - 24 September 2024, 19:00 - 21:00


The concert held by the "Codex" Early Music Ensemble is built around the complex personality of the Franciscan monk Ioan CaĆianu.
He was born in 1629 and was a scientist who was active in numerous fields (according to the Enlightenment fashion of the time), obtaining outstanding results. He is recognized, among other things, as an organist, organ builder, composer, translator, printer, book collector and botanist. The activity he undertook in Transylvania in the 17th century is still today studied in depth by researchers from Romania, Hungary, but also from other parts of the world.

The musical collection made by him and which later received his name, being known as the Codex Caioni, is an important source of the musical history of Central and Eastern Europe and, in particular, of Transylvania. The manuscript collection (made between 1634-1671 and currently kept at the Szekler Museum of Ciuc) contains musical pieces belonging to very different genres; you can find here motets, fragments of masses, pieces of sacred music, instrumental and vocal pieces belonging to the baroque style, dance pieces from Western Europe and the region, but also pieces of secular music in the Hungarian, German and Latin languages.

The concert proposed by the "𝐂𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐱" ensemble reflects multiculturalism and the extremely diverse palette of musical genres present in the cultural life of Transylvania in the 17th century. This year marks 398 years since his birth, an excellent reason for the Brasov Early Music Festival to program a musical evocation dedicated to this multi-faceted personality.

Concert programme:
Dances originating from Western Europe:
Allemande – Ballet – Curranta Polonica – Currenta – Currenta – Balletha – Balletha Italica – Sarabanda Gesneri, Schmidt Curranta Currenta AGV – Gaillarda AGV
Dances originating from Transylvania:
Chorea – Dance. Mikes Kelemen – Valtozo Tancz – Lapoczkas Tancz - Zsuka - Apor Lazar Tancz - Ötödik tancz hatodon et variations - Paikos Tancz
Dances of German origin:
Ein Adeliches Baddelein – Meines Hertzen Trost
Renaissance polyphonic music
Orazio Tarditi (1602-1677): La Romana
Anonymus: Canzon a 5
Baroque style music
Jacobus Gallus Handl (1550-1591): These are triumphatores
Anonymus: Ecce panis angelorum
Anonymus: O quales habet floret Paradysus
Andreas Hammerschmidt (1611-1675): Ballet
Marco Uccelini (1603?-1680): Aria sopra la Bergamasca "á la Transilvania", (Venice, 1642)
Gypsy songs
Dádé Zingaricum – Tikha vgordnaczka
Christmas song
The messiah has come

The "Codex" Early Music Ensemble was founded in 1996, with members of the Faculty of Music of "Transylvania" University in Bra ș𝐴𝐯. Their main goal is the interpretation of European classical music from the 15th-19th centuries, with the help of period instruments, based on the theoretical sources of the time. The ensemble researches the cult music of Transylvania and Eastern Europe, as well as the European sources that have a tangent to it. The band members have specialized in baroque interpretive mastery courses in major European musical centers: Innsbruck, Utrecht, Karlsruhe, Basel, Budapest. The band performed numerous concerts in the country and abroad. In recent years, he has mainly performed music from Transylvania and Eastern Europe, repertoire from the Cajoni Codices, the Manuscrisul de la Sfântu Gheorghe, the manuscript of Stephanus Martonffy, the Vietoris manuscript, the Levoča manuscript, etc. The special interpretation he approaches is addressed to the man of today, illustrating a wide spectrum of feelings. The band's most important concerts are the ones held at the Miercurea Ciuc Early Music Festival, Valea Artelor - Hungary, the "George Enescu" International Festival, the Bucharest Early Music Festival, the Brașov International Chamber Music Festival and those held at the festivals renowned from Hungary, France, Italy and Portugal. This year the band received the Hungarian Heritage Award from Hungary - "Magyar Örökség díj".
The "Codex" ensemble often interprets music from the Codex Cajoni, being one of the main sources of the band's programs, and strives to rediscover the meaning and spirit of these pieces, to assign them musical essence, presenting them to the public in an attractive form.
We look forward to joining you in this unique festival!

Organizer: Association Kyrios
Project financed by the Braşov County Council and co-financed by the Braşov City Hall.
𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐢: Rinapack, Belvedere Events Center, Vobiscum Educational Center, Hanu Paprika.
Principal partener: @Monastery "St. John the Baptist" Poiana Brașov.
Partners: Bucharest Early Music Festival, Csíkszeredai Régizene Fesztivál, Polonez Institute / Instytut Polski w Bukareszte, RATBV SA, Transylvania Byzantine, Brasov County Museum of History, Artists' Bastion.
Media partners: România Actualităţi, Radio România Muzical, Radio România Brașov, Buna Ziua, Brasov, MyTex - Stiri Online Brasov, Radio Braşov, CINEMATRIX.ro, PRESShub, PedagoTeca.ro, InformaTeca, CasoTeca.ro.


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