Cultural week September 13-19

Date and time

13 September - 19 September 2024, 15:00 - 20:00


📸🎙🎬 Cultural week September 13-19, 2024 🎹🎵🎥
We present the events organized by the cultural institutions subordinated to the Braşov County Council, the cultural events held within them, as well as the cultural projects financially supported by the county administration ‼

♦ Friday, September 13
▪ Cristian commune, Curtea Sălii Mari/ General School Sports Hall/ Great Hall/ Curtea Sălii Mari, 3:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. - Cartfest 8: "Culture of Money" - financial education workshop for children, musical workshop, "Teatrelier" - acting workshop, "Big People" show with Maria Orban and the Chamber Ensemble of the Vocational High School of Music "Tudor Ciortea" Brașov, Vama concert and the screening of the documentary "Architects nature" – event co-financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Branch 4 of the "George Barițiu" Brașov County Library - "Valeriu Braniște" Info-Documentary Center (Str. Berzei 2, ground floor), 3 p.m. - "Our daily nutrition and health" - meeting with Dr. nutritionist Felicia Constantin - Dietary advice for teenagers;
▪ Nicolae Titulescu Park, 17:00 – "Her Art Story" opening, Art Museum;
▪ Art Museum, 5:30 p.m. - opening of "Pathfinders: Elena Mureșianu";
▪ Reduta Cultural Center, 19:00 - "Perfect strangers", theater show

♦ Saturday September 14
▪ Cristian commune, Curtea Sălii Mari/ Strada Laterală no. 55/ Evangelical Church/ Great Hall/ Great Hall Court, 2:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. - Cartfest 8: Calligraphy workshop with Anca Timiș, Cultural Marathon of Cristianului, "Speakup" - initiation workshop in the art of rhetoric (in English), Lateral Troupe, Maya Marin recital (piano) and Andrei Irimia Trio, the theater play "Miss Iulia" - untheatre production and Caleido, The Mono Jacks concert - event co-financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Mureșenilor House Museum, 12:00 p.m. – perfumery workshop;
▪ Reduta Cultural Center, 8:30 p.m. – Stand-up comedy with NATANTICU, ANDREI AND RAUL GHEBA;

♦ Sunday, September 15
▪ Cristian Commune, Curtea Sălii Mari/ General School Sports Hall/ Evangelical Church/ Court of Sălii Mari, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:00, 16:30, 18:00 and 20:00 - "It's time for dolls" with Ana Crăciun Lambru, Cultural brunch with local products, Cristianului's cultural marathon, Robotics and programming logic workshop with Delia Colceriu, 4Tune Quartet concert, "Alice" - performance by Ada Milea, Toulouse Lautrec concert - event co-financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Bastion of Weavers – Bastion of Artists, 19:00 - Concert Milan W & The Tulnic Ensemble of Avram Iancu
▪ Reduta Cultural Center, 7:00 p.m. - "Where is the money?", theater show;

♦ Monday, September 16
▪ Branch 4 - Info-Documentary Center "Valeriu Branişte", 4:00 p.m. - "Our daily nutrition and health", meeting with Dr. nutritionist Felicia Constantin as part of SCIFEST Science and creative industries program
▪ Braşov, Cinema One, 19:00 - Alpin Film Festival: Preview of "Wild Transylvania", event financed by CJ Braşov

♦ Tuesday, September 17
▪ Braşov, Piața Sfatului, 18:00 - Alpin Film Festival: launch of the photo exhibition "The Climbers", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Reduta Cultural Center, 19:00 - Alpine Film Festival 2024 Opening Gala: "Noua Sălbăticie/A New Kind Of Wilderness" screening; 20:30 screening "Atirkül in the land of real men", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Franciscan Church "St. Ioan", 19:00 - Brasov Old Music Festival: "Caccini Le Nuove Musiche", event co-financed by CJ Brasov

♦ Wednesday, September 18
▪ Braşov, Banca de Cultură Apollonia, 17:00 - Alpin Film Festival: the opening of the "Mountain" drawing and painting exhibition, event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Cinema Modern, Sala Mică, 17:00 - Alpin Film Festival - Romanian competition: screening of the films "Tinutul zimbrilor", "Discover Oltenia" and "Banatul Montan - Magic of the Snow", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Cinema Modern, Sala Mare, 18:30 - Alpin Film Festival - international competition: screening of the films "Himalayan Embrace", "Eotvos Expedition", "Line of Angels" and "U.K. - The journey to the source of mountaineering", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Reduta Cultural Center, 19:00 - Alpin Film Festival - international competition: screening of the films "More powerful than ever" and "Postcard For The Vierge", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Cinema Modern, Sala Mică, 20:30 - Alpin Film Festival - international competition: screening of the films "Rope" and "Mountain Dayz", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Transilvania University Multicultural Center - Brasov Old Music Festival: Masterclass (theorb, lute, baroque guitar), event co-financed by CJ Brasov
▪ Casa Junilor (Braşov, Str. Prunului no. 1), ground floor, 6:00 p.m. - Urban seating organized together with the group "Seating in Brașov's Șcheii"
▪ Mureșenilor House Museum, 5:00 p.m. - "Five o'clock recital", supported by the artists of the Brașov Opera House;

♦ Thursday, September 19
▪ Braşov, Olimpia - Mountain Sports and Tourism Museum, 4:00 p.m. - Alpin Film Festival: the conference "The Mountains of Karol Lehmann", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Cinema Modern, Sala Mică, 18:00 - Alpin Film Festival - Romanian competition: screening of the short films "Pogo", "Hornul", "Banatul Montan - Poarta Semenicului", "Ours The Movie", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Reduta Cultural Center, 18:00 - Alpin Film Festival: screening of the films "Sophie Lavaud. The last peak" and "Maurice Baquet L'Accorde", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Cinema Modern, Sala Mare, 18:30 - Alpin Film Festival: 10-year anniversary of "Pe poteci spre inima ta" with Ion Stoenică; 20:30 screening of the film "Subterranean", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Braşov, Modern Cinema, Small Hall, 19:30 - Alpin Film Festival - international competition: screening of the film "Monte Corno", event financed by CJ Braşov
▪ Transilvania University Multicultural Center - Brasov Old Music Festival: Masterclass (historical dance), event co-financed by CJ Brasov
▪ Braşov Philharmonic, 19:00 - Braşov Early Music Festival: "Oriental Tales", event co-financed by CJ Braşov
We invite you to visit the exhibitions that are open during this period at the cultural institutions subordinated to the Braşov County Council ‼

💢 Brașov County Museum of History (Schedule: 10:00-18:00; 17:30 last ticket; closed on Mondays)
👉🏻 House of Council:
▪ "Neacșu's letter returns to its destination", temporary exhibition
▪ "Brașov 1987", temporary exhibition
▪ "Centenary of the 2nd Mountain Hunter Brigade "Sarmizegetusa" Brașov", temporary exhibition
▪ "Historical Identity of Brașov: Roots·Crown City·Brașovenii", permanent exhibition on the ground floor
▪ "Valentin Tănase, master of Romanian historical comics"
▪ "Historical legends", the exhibition of the international competition within the International Festival of Historical Comics Braşov 2024:
▪ "Historical legends", the exhibition of the national competition dedicated to students
👉🏻 Advice Market:
▪ "GOPO in Brașov" exhibition
👉🏻 Bastion of the Weavers (Str. G. Coșbuc no. 9):
▪ "Brașov Citadel", permanent exhibition
👉🏻 Exhibition at Braşov-Ghimbav International Airport:
▪ "Flight to Brașov - Between the beginnings and the present"
💢 Olimpia - Mountain Sports and Tourism Museum (Str. George Coşbuc no. 2. Schedule: Tuesday-Sunday, 12:00-20:00)
▪ "Olimpia-Museum of Sports and Mountain Tourism", permanent exhibition
▪ "The beginnings of winter sports in Romania", temporary exhibition
💢 Museum of Ethnography Brașov (Bd. Eroilor no. 21A. Schedule: Wednesday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00)
▪ "The fruits of the sitters. Get the festive shirt too", temporary exhibition
▪ "Textile heritage", permanent exhibition
▪ "Memory of fibres", permanent exhibition
💢 Museum of Urban Civilization of Brașov (Piața Sfatului no. 15. Schedule: Wednesday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00)
▪ "Transylvanian Burg", temporary exhibition
💢 Ethnographic Museum "Gh. Cernea" from Rupea (Str. Republicii no. 191. Schedule: Wednesday-Sunday 10:00-18:00)
▪ "Take the festive shirt from the Rupea area", temporary exhibition
💢 Valer Literat Făgăraș Country Museum (Făgăraş, Mihai Viteazul Street no. 1. Schedule: Tuesday-Friday 08:00-18:00; Saturday-Sunday 10:00-18:00)
▪ "Embroideries and accessories in costume and textiles", temporary exhibition made in collaboration with the Museum of Ethnography Brașov
💢 Brașov Art Museum (B-dul Eroilor 21. Schedule: Wednesday-Sunday, 10:00-18:00)
▪ "Pathfinders: Elena Mureșianu", temporary exhibition with works from his own heritage (until October 27, 2023);
▪ "Hans Hermann. Engraving and animation", temporary exhibition with works from own heritage (until September 29)
▪ Romanian Art Gallery, permanent exhibition (1st floor)
▪ "Subjective Art History" and "General Culture Timeline" installation, temporary exhibition by the artist Lia Perjovschi (Staircase)
▪ "Freedom of expression", by Dan Perjovschi, outdoor exhibition on the facade of the museum
💢 Mureșenilor House Museum Brașov (Piata Sfatului 25. Schedule: Monday, 11:00-17:00 and Tuesday-Saturday, 9:00-17:00)
▪ "History of the Muresianu Family", permanent exhibition
▪ "200 - Sevastia Muresianu Bicentennial", temporary exhibition
💢 Ștefan Baciu Memorial House, Brașov (Str. Gheorghe Baiulescu no. 9. Schedule: Tuesday-Friday, 09:00-17:00, Saturday and Monday, 10:00-17:00)
▪ "The Baciu Family", permanent exhibition
💢 County Library George Barișiu Brașov
👉🏻 Gallery on the Stairs
▪ "Impressions", personal painting exhibition Zsigmond Judit (until October 18)
📚 Thematic book exhibitions📚
👉🏻 Loan section:
▪ "Martin Heidegger-135 years since the birth of the German philosopher"
▪ "World Tourism Day - September 27"
👉🏻 Exhibition space on the 1st floor:
▪ "About photography, with love!", exhibition of books and photo albums
▪ "Avram Iancu - 200 years since the birth of Crăișorul Munților"
👉🏻 Reading room:
▪ "Liviu Rebreanu-80 years since the writer's death"
▪ "Fall of knowledge"
👉🏻 Thematic exhibitions at the English Library:
▪ "Best Places to travel"
👉🏻 Center of Excellence for Children and Youth (Braşov, Str. Iuliu Maniu no. 6):
▪ Exhibition of painting and graphics made by children Erica Ion-Salomia, Maia Lăcătusu and Pilbáth Hugó-Áron
💢 Feldioara Fortress
▪ "Touching memory", personal exhibition of ceramic sculpture, signed by Vlad Basarab (until September 30), project co-financed by CJ Braşov
💢 Reduta Cultural Center Braşov (Str. Apollonia Hirscher no. 8. Schedule: 10:00-20:00)
▪ "Curiosities from the world of ceramics", interactive exhibition in the foyer (until September 29)


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