România Atractivă
21 June 2024

Holiday plan for children: 98 attractive lessons for days without school
Dear parents, we know that you want to make the most of your children's summer vacation, so we propose an alternative, interactive and engaging education plan, based on the vast multimedia content of the Attractive Romania platform.

In addition to the moments of relaxation, you can offer them new opportunities to explore and learn about their origins, with the help of 98 complete lessons, which will arouse their interest and answer their questions about the lesser-known cultural objectives of our country.

In this way they will learn about history, geography, religion and architecture, while watching captivating videos, listening to audio guides, walking through virtual tours, observing the details of 3D reconstructions of buildings or entering the atmosphere of yesteryear, where outstanding historical personalities tell their story.
Let the educational adventure begin! ⤵️

Module 1 🏰  Route of Castles

Let's follow in the footsteps of the knights on a legendary journey through Romania's castles! We discover ballrooms, fortifications and ruins, where echoes of the past mingle with the legends and fascinating stories of kings and nobles. Children will learn, among other things, the legend of the Corvin family coat of arms, on which we find a representation of a raven holding a gold ring in its beak.

1. Corvin Castle
2. The Teleki Castle
3. Apafi Castle
4. Arcalia Castle
5. Bánffy Castle in Sâncrai
6. Beclean Castle
7. Beldy Castle in Jibou
8. Beldy Ladislau Castle in Budila
9. Brancoveanu Castle
10. Huniade Castle
11. Kalnoky Castle
12. Kemeny Castle
13. Martinuzzi Castle
14. The Pekri Castle in Ozd
15. Rhédey Castle
16. Salbek Castle
17. Sturdza Castle
18. The Thobias Castle
19. Ugron Castle
20. The Urmanczy Castle
21. Ion Ghica’s Mansion

Module 2 🏚️ Route of curias from Transylvania

We relive the daily life of the Hungarian noble residences in Transylvania, but also the tumult of the 1848 Revolution. We explore historic buildings, gorgeous gardens, farms, and stud farms – places that whisper about forgotten history and the memories of those who wove it into the heart of the 19th century.
Among all the stories of the route, one will surely attract the attention of the little ones: The Legend of Petőfi Sándor's Pear Tree, the tree under which he would have written his last poem.

22. Bánffy Castle
23. Mikó Castle
24. Thury-Banyai Castle
25. Conacul Adorjan Imre
26. Baranyi-Jakó Manor
27. Biális Manor
28. The Gyárfá Mansion
29. The Kováts Miklós Mansion
30. The Mikes-Szentkereszty Mansion
31. The Pünköst Manor
32. Serester József Manor
33. The Szentkereszty-Bethlen Mansion
34. Former Hussar barracks

Module 3 🏘️ Route of Kulas

We discover together the contrast of boyar life in Wallachia, more precisely the houses that turned into fortresses at the first sign of danger, which resisted in the turbulent seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Children will also learn about the legend of the Glogovan Cula: it would have been provided with a secret refuge through which one descended into a cellar connected to an underground gallery of escape tunnels, used in case of danger.
35. Kula St. Mina – Orchidan Ensemble
36. The Calețean Kula
37. The Cartianu Kula
38. The Duca Kula
39. The Glogoveanu Kula
40. The Greceanu Kula
41.  The Nistor Kula
42. The Poenaru Kula
43. The Tudor Vladimirescu Kula
44. Zătreanu Kula
45. Tower from Hotărani

Module 4 🏛️ Route of Roman castra

We explore the borders of the Roman Empire in Dacia along the Dacian salt and gold roads, thus we discover the most extensive frontier of the Roman Empire on the territory of continental Europe. Each fortress, visitable or still buried, reveals a fascinating chapter of military strategy, but speaks above all about the engineering and organization that shaped the province.

Among other things, we will discover the legend of the Zlatna Castrum, known by the locals as the Red Apple Fortress. Its name would come from the round shape of the mountain, similar to an apple. The community here was always sure that the mountain would be empty inside and that it would hide many treasures inside.

46. Războieni - Cetate Castrum
47. The Fort at Zlatna
48. Earth Castrum in Măgulici
49. Drobeta Castrum
50. The Arutela Roman Camp
51.  Roman Castrum in Cigmău
52. The Roman Fort at Bologa
53. The Roman Castrum from Drajna de Sus
54. The Roman Fort at Hinova
55. Roman Castrum in Pietroasele
56. Roman Castrum in Răcarii de Jos
57.  Roman Castrum in Sânpaul
58. The Roman Fort at Ilișua 
59. The Archaeological Ensemble of Micia
60. Roman Castrum Călugăreni
61. The Roman Fort at Tibiscum
62. The Roman Fort at Titești
63. Gilău Military Camp and Vicus
64. The Roman-Byzantine Fortress in Sucidava
65. Museum and the archaeological site Colonia Ulpia Traiana Augusta Dacica Sarmizegetusa
66. Roman Fortification of Cetățeaua
67.  Entrance to the forum of Trajan – Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa

Module 5 🏹 Route of fortresses

We set off on the heights of history in search of vestiges and explore the hidden fortresses of Romania! We discover legends and amazing sights, from lofty walls to buried ruins, in an adventure that brings us romantic legends about Decebalus, Mircea the Elder, Vlad Dracul, Sigismund of Luxembourg or Suleyman the Magnificent.

The triumph of reaching the peak of the Piatra Șoimului Fortress, which dominates the horizon, or the mystery that surrounds the walls of the Feldioara Fortress reward our tenacity, thus we discover one by one secrets of historical eras.

68. Bastion of the Clothier
69. Almaș Fortress
70. Balvanyos Fortress
71. Bologa Fortress
72. Brașov Fortress
73. Ciceu Fortress
74. Costești - Blidaru Fortress
75. Costești - Cetățuie Fortress
76. The Dacian Fortress of Bănița
77. The Dacian Fortress of Căpâlna
78. The Dacian Fortress from Moinești
79. Feldioara Fortress
80. Cetatea Hallstattiană
81. Histria Fortress
82. Ika Fortress
83. Jimbor Fortress
84. Medieval Fortress of Severin
85. Bistrița Medieva Fortress
86. Medieval Fortress from Mehadia
87.  Medieval Fortress in Moldovenești
88. Mikó Fortress
89. Colțești Fortress
90. Sarmizegetusa Regia Fortress - Paved Road
91. Sarmizegetusa Regia Fortress - Terasa X
92. Ulmetum Fortress
93. Valcău Citadel
94. Cluj-Napoca Fortress
95. The Ruins of Șinteu Fortress
96. Student Tower
97. Walls of Sighișoara Fortress
98. Walls of Oradea Fortress - Bastionul Crăișor

Photo source: Ministerul Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europere,